Please find an introduction to other RadNet Leeds team members below:
Nick Preston, RadNet centre manager
Nick supports the directors of RadNet with general day-to-day administration of RadNet Leeds and coordinates RadNet Leeds’ activities.
Nick can be contacted on
Clinical Oncology
Dr Mark Teo
Dr Mark Teo
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Mark Teo is a research active NHS consultant clinical oncologist at the Leeds Cancer Centre treating lung and rectal cancers. His research interests are advanced radiotherapy techniques, radiotherapy clinical trials and organ preservation in rectal cancer. He received his medical degree from the University of Nottingham followed by completing his oncology specialist training in Leeds. He undertook doctoral research in bladder cancer radiogenomics followed by post-doctoral research in radiotherapy clinical trials at the University of Leeds. Mark is local oncology governance lead and lower GI clinical oncology lead and is actively involved in national clinical oncology training and rectal cancer advanced radiotherapy guidelines.
Dr Rebecca Goody
Dr Rebecca Goody
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Following her Clinical Oncology training in Belfast and Leeds, Rebecca completed a Clinical Research Fellowship at the University of Toronto and Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, where she gained skills and experience in stereotactic radiotherapy. She is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist in Leeds with a particular interest in the use of technical radiotherapy in the treatment of pancreatic and primary liver tumours, and is the local PI for a number of national technical radiotherapy trials. Rebecca is looking forward to being involved in the exciting opportunities that RadNet brings.
Dr Nathalie Casanova
Dr Nathalie Casanova
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Nathalie completed her training as a Radiation oncologist in Barcelona, Spain before working as a Clinical Fellow in Geneva, Switzerland. She came to Leeds in October 2009 and was appointed as a Consultant in Clinical Oncology in January 2011. She specialises in radiotherapy for lower GI and hepatobiliary cancers. Nathalie is very much looking forward to contributing to the research within RadNet.
Dr Rachel Cooper
Dr Rachel Cooper
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Rachel is a consultant clinical oncologist in Leeds Cancer Centre (LCC) specialising in the management of gynaecological and lower GI cancers. Rachel obtained her medical degree from Birmingham University and then completed her clinical oncology training at The Christie Hospital, Manchester and Cookridge Hospital Leeds. She obtained an MD during her training at The Christie, investigating measurement of tumour hypoxia in cervical cancer under the supervision of Professor Catherine West and Dr John Logue. Before taking up her current post she worked in Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey as a Visiting Associate Professor where amongst other things she continued her interest in gynaecological brachytherapy. She has a special interest in cervical cancer, in particular image guided brachytherapy and anal cancer.
Rachel is currently the lead clinician for clinical oncology at LCC and previously was the training programme director. She is also the current Medical Director, Education and Training for the UK at the Royal College of Radiologists.
Medical Physics
Dr Michael Nix
Dr Michael Nix
Medical Physicist
Dr Mike Nix is a RadNet Principal Clinical R&D Scientist and an honorary researcher at University of Leeds, where he is leading development of innovative deep-learning methodologies for radiotherapy imaging and adaptive therapy, alongside tools for clinical confidence estimation and effective translation.
Within Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, he leads the development, evaluation and implementation of clinical AI technologies in Radiotherapy, in collaboration with commercial partners.
He is also a Clinical Fellow with Health Education England and NHSx, researching skills-gaps and developing educational strategy around robust and confident AI implementation for healthcare, following a year as one of the inaugural NHS Topol Fellows in Digital Health.
Dr Chris Thompson
Dr Chris Thompson
Medical Physicist
Chris is a clinical scientist who has worked in external beam radiotherapy since 2002. A key role in his current post is supporting the introduction of the RayStation treatment planning system. Currently, he is involved in the introduction of VMAT.
Chris is supporting with the treatment planning and clinical implementation aspects of the work packages.
Ms Anna Clark
Ms Anna Clark
Medical Physicist
Anna is a newly qualified radiotherapy physicist having just completed three years of training in the Medical Physics department at Leeds Teaching Hospitals. She is specialising in imaging, and her role within RadNet will involve supporting the imaging aspects of various projects particularly in Theme 1, WP1.
Mr Chris Pagett
Mr Chris Pagett
Medical Physicist
Chris has worked as a Clinical Scientist at Leeds since 2019. Prior to his current role, he completed the Scientist Training Programme (STP) at Oxford. His main interest is the application of re-irradiation in radiotherapy which was the focus of his previous research work and Master’s project. Chris is contributing to the work of Themes 1 and 2.
Dr David Broadbent
Dr David Broadbent
Medical Physicist
David Broadbent has worked in Medical Physics and Engineering at LTHT since 2008, specialising in magnetic resonance physics since 2010. Over the last few years his role has included supporting the use of MRI in radiotherapy, along with MR physics colleagues and the RT imaging physics team. Alongside this he supports activity on the University of Leeds research scanners at the LGI (with a focus on cardiac MR imaging and spectroscopy). He also helps deliver the wider MR safety, clinical and teaching service the MR physics team provide within the trust and to other local institutions.
Dr Stuart Currie
Dr Stuart Currie
Radiology Consultant
Stuart is an academic consultant neuroradiologist with 50:50 division between clinical and research pursuits. His main research interest lies in the better understanding of diffuse glioma with particular emphasis on imaging biomarkers of disease and treatment and how the use of artificial intelligence through imaging may enhance this field.
Dr Raneem Albazaz
Dr Raneem Albazaz
Radiology Consultant
Raneem is a Consultant Radiologist at St James’s University Hospital with a special interest in HPB imaging. Raneem is the lead for GIHPB Radiology at LTHT and the Secretary of the British Society of GI and Abdominal Radiology. She provides support to the liver and pancreas radiotherapy services.
Mr Matthew Beasley
Mr Matthew Beasley
HEE/NIHR ICA Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow (CDRF)
Matt Beasley is an Advanced Practitioner Therapeutic Radiographer working in the Advanced Radiotherapy Technologies Network (ART-NET) at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. He has been awarded a HEE/NIHR ICA Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship (CDRF) which he started in July 2021.
The prestigious NIHR CDRF fellowship provides non-medics with funding to complete a PhD whilst continuing with their clinical career. Over the four years of the fellowship, Matt will be working closely with the clinical and radiotherapy research teams at Leeds Cancer Centre and the University of Leeds on a PhD project entitled: MRI scans with respiratory Immobilisation to Contour Radiotherapy Organs at risk using oral Contrast of Hypo or hyper intense fluids Including the Patient perSpective: The MICROCHIPS study.