Our ambitious vision for RadNet Leeds will be delivered by combining the strengths of one of the top ten UK research-intensive universities (8th for research power) with the second largest NHS Trust in the UK.
Leeds is the largest single site radiotherapy centre in the UK with state-of-the-art facilities for treatment and research serving over 6,800 patients per year from a catchment population of 2.8 million people in Yorkshire with established tertiary referral pathways for complex treatments including radiosurgery.
There are 12 NHS Versa HD linear accelerators with advanced radiotherapy capabilities. Leeds is a UK leading centre for brachytherapy and Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR), providing a regional SABR service for the North of England, treating the highest number of patients with lung SABR in England in 2023.
Our world-leading clinical trials research developed and led by RadNet Leeds clinical academics, is supported by our recently renewed CRUK CTU infrastructure (£2.9 million), a 50% uplift from the previous RadNet term.
The translation of novel therapies into early phase clinical trials is supported by the recently renewed NIHR Clinical Research Facility that includes cancer (£8.9 million, an eleven-fold uplift). Our excellent imaging research infrastructure (Professor Andy Scarsbrook, Dr Stuart Currie, Professor David Buckley), is enhanced by the recently installed MR Simulator and Innovate UK funding (£1.15 million), that will accelerate the use of real-world imaging data for development and delivery of AI-assisted clinical workflows. A new orchestrator system will enable robust performance evaluation of AI software in a secure environment prior to clinical deployment.
Imaging Leads
Professor Andy Scarsbrook

Professor of Radiology; Honorary Consultant Radiologist; Nuclear Medicine Physician
Staff profile: Professor Andy Scarsbrook | School of Medicine | University of Leeds
I am a Professor of Radiology at the University of Leeds and an Honorary Consultant Radiologist and Nuclear Medicine Physician at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. I am the Imaging lead for Leeds Radiotherapy Research Centre of Excellence (RadNet) and allied health professional pathway encompassing Academic Foundation posts, NIHR-funded Academic Clinical Fellowships and externally funded PhD fellowships. My group leads clinically focused imaging research in collaboration with inter-disciplinary groups at the University (Leeds Cancer Research Centre; Radiotherapy Research Group; Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre for Doctoral Training; Leeds Clinical Trials Research Unit; Tessa Jowell Centre of Excellence for Brain Cancer Research).
We have close links with the Leeds NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and Research and Innovation at Leeds Teaching Hospitals with Radiology leading a multi-disciplinary clinical AI board and several industry-academic research studies aligned to imaging-related AI. There is strategic alignment with key research priorities related to radiotherapy, clinical trials and AI to maximise impact and potential for clinical translation and patient benefit.
Professor David Buckley

Professor of Medical Physics
Staff profile: Professor David L. Buckley | School of Medicine | University of Leeds
Professor David Buckley is a physicist who has worked in the academic medical imaging field for 25 years. He has a specific interest in quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a focus on tracer kinetic analysis of data acquired using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI.
Dr Stuart Currie

Staff Profile: Dr Stuart Currie | School of Medicine | University of Leeds
Stuart is an academic consultant neuroradiologist with 50:50 division between clinical and research pursuits. His main research interest lies in the better understanding of diffuse glioma with particular emphasis on imaging biomarkers of disease and treatment and how the use of artificial intelligence through imaging may enhance this field.

A recent NIHR Capital Investment grant (£4.28 million) supports the purchase of a dedicated CT scanner for research use and investment in computing infrastructure to establish an on premises modular and expandable high-performance computing platform to delivery of healthcare related deep learning algorithms (2024). Our strong site specific clinical academic CRUK Leeds Radiation Research Centre of Excellence4leadership in our disease areas of strength includes anal (Dr Alex Gilbert), brain (Dr Louise Murray), liver (Professor Adel Samson), rectal (Professor Sebag-Montefiore) and prostate (Professor Ann Henry).
Dr Alex Gilbert

Honorary Consultant, Senior Clinical Trials Fellow
Staff Profile: Dr Alex Gilbert | School of Medicine | University of Leeds
Dr Louise Murray

Associate Professor, Clinical Oncology
Staff Profile: Dr Louise Murray | School of Medicine | University of Leeds
Professor Adel Samson

Professor, Medical Oncologist
Staff Profile: Professor Adel Samson | School of Medicine | University of Leeds
Professor David Sebag-Montefiore

Professor of Clinical Oncology
Staff Profile: Professor David Sebag-Montefiore | School of Medicine | University of Leeds
Professor Ann Henry
Professor, Clinical Oncology

Staff Profile: Professor Ann Henry | School of Medicine | University of Leeds
Multi-source Data Platform and Computational Modelling
RadNet Leeds has contributed to the setting up of a multi-source collaborative learning data platform with a talented team from Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust led by Mr Bob Wheller. This platform supports a research-focused framework of anonymised data collection from the Trust.

Platform and computational modelling leads
Mr Bob Wheller

Lead for Clinical Scientific Computing and Head of Radiotherapy Technology Services
Bob is a Clinical Scientist and Chartered Engineer. As the Leeds Teaching Hospitals lead for Clinical Scientific Computing, Bob manages a team of computer scientists who specialise in clinical data sciences and medical device software development. In his radiotherapy engineering role he manages a team of clinical engineering staff providing electronic, computing and mechanical engineering support, primarily to the large radiotherapy service at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Clinical engineering services include equipment management, device design and development, clinical computing and technical logistics.
His professional Interests include:
- Clinical scientific computing – utilising healthcare technology data to improve clinical practice
- Improving the safe interoperation of medical technology
- Embedding a training, education and development culture across the physical sciences
- Collaborating with manufacturers and developers, optimising technical services in healthcare
- Ensuring professional device design and development activity continues within hospitals, delivering innovative and beneficial hardware and software solutions to complex clinical problems
- Using quality management to maintain and improve efficiency and clinical effectiveness
- Keeping our focus on patient care through clinical engagement, encouraging other healthcare scientists to do the same
Dr Jack Baldwin
Post-doctoral prinicpal bioinformatician
Profile to be uploaded
MR Sim
A new MRI Sim will be installed on the radiotherapy treatment floor and will provide ring-fenced capacity for research.
A concise set of image acquisition and data analysis tools are being developed to characterise tumour and normal tissue for radiotherapy treatment planning, response monitoring and outcome prediction.