The Leeds Radiotherapy PPIE Group
RadNet Leeds has a friendly, welcoming Patient Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) group. The group currently has 40 members of the public who have experienced treatment for cancer, either as a patient or carer. We place the PPIE group at the centre of all our research activity. This helps to ensure that researchers and the PPIE group work together to produce highly impactful, world-leading research for patient benefit at local, national and international levels.
Yorkshire is one of the hardest hit areas in the country for cancer. We want the PPIE group to be truly reflective of the population we serve, especially the underserved communities where health inequalities result in poor cancer outcomes.
We are seeking and welcome members of the public from diverse sections of the community to help us to better understand those needs and cultures.
Role of the PPIE group
The role of the PPIE group is to:
- provide critical feedback on new ideas for research;
- participate in the design, conduct, management and dissemination of our research; and
- ensure that the research creates real benefits for patients whilst minimising the burden on those patients.
Future PPIE activity
We are planning a number of activities which involve the PPIE group:
- Annual Dragons’ Dens for the CRUK RadNet network;
- Give feedback on our CRUK RadNet research and PPIE activity to the wider community through science events;
- Develop an online Leeds RadNet PPIE Hub, targeting under-represented and underserved patients and communities;
- Co-design surveys to assess impact and identify gaps, to trigger interventions to boost inclusion, especially in our webinars, Dragon’s Dens and workshops;
- Build on our links with the PPIE teams in CRUK-funded clinical trials research units;
- Extend links with Advocacy groups such as Use MY Data, ICPV, CRAF-UK, and NIHR’s Ethnic Minority Research Involvement team, plus existing community partners and cancer charities.
RadNet PPIE leads
The PPIE leads are Dr Helen Bulbeck (PPIE group) and Dr Alex Gilbert (RadNet Leeds).
For further information about the CRUK RadNet Leeds PPIE group, please contact the RadNet Leeds Centre Manager Nick Preston: email
Dr Helen Bulbeck

Dr Helen Bulbeck has experienced cancer from a carer and patient perspective. This 360 degree view means that she is well placed to understand the perspectives of patients, carers and health care professionals and is skilled in PPI advocacy. Her roles in brainstrust, a national brain cancer charity which she founded, and as a consumer representative are as a disseminator of information and the provision of a network and community, so that she can provide advice on achieving effective consumer involvement and creating a voice. Helen’s key drivers are the patients, their carers and healthcare professionals, with whom she interacts daily. Her ethos of ‘none of us is as smart as all of us’ is a core value for her.
Elemental to Helen’s work is high performance coaching and shared decision making. When we are no longer to able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves. The coaching relationship enables us to face these challenges, so that we learn how to develop resilience and utilise resources, becoming true co-pilots in our care.
Dr Alex Gilbert

Honorary Consultant, Senior Clinical Trials Fellow
Staff Profile: Dr Alex Gilbert | School of Medicine | University of Leeds
I am an Honorary consultant and CRUK Senior Clinical Trial fellow in Clinical (Radiation) Oncology. My research expertise is in the use of patient reported outcomes (PROs) in radiation toxicity measurement both in clinical trials and routine practice. I have particular interests in the use of PROs to develop predictive biomarkers of radiotherapy late effects and PRO methodology in clinical trials. As a CRUK senior clinical trial fellow, I am working on a number of interventional radiotherapy trials including complex multi-centre platform RCTs evaluating novel agents and techniques, providing expertise in toxicity and PRO measurement.
I am also a member of the NCRI anorectal cancer subgroup and deputy chair of the Methodology workstream as well as an active member of the EORTC Quality of Life group. I have collaborated both nationally and internationally with experts in health services research, PROs, technical radiotherapy and clinical trials.